Grow Your Business Online on a Budget

Do you want to grow your business online without spending a fortune? If you’re just starting a business, wasting money isn’t a wise thing to do. Here are some practical tips on how you can grow your business on a relatively small budget:

Choose the Right Platform for Your Website

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a small business is choosing the wrong platform for your website. Building your website on the wrong platform will cost you more money and limit the growth potential of your business. 

One of the most popular platforms for building websites is WordPress. Including both small and large businesses, it powers more than 31% of all websites. You can also explore Bluehost. As your business grows, you can see what upgrades are needed for your hosting resources, and invest in them at a later stage as and when necessary.

Choose a Functional Website with A Simple Design

Many small business owners hold the belief that if they don’t have a professionally designed website, their customers won’t take their business seriously. Getting a professional to custom design your websites is not needed when you’re just starting out, as it is an expensive process. Instead, you can easily start with a free or premium ready-made WordPress theme for much less. You can also use WordPress page builders to create your own designs without any coding. 

Make It Easier for Customers to Contact You

You need to add an easy way for visitors to contact you if you want your website to bring you more customers. Using a contact form on your website is the easiest way to do this. While WordPress doesn’t come with a contact form, you can use WordPress contact form plugins that will easily allow you to add a contact form to your website.

Build an Email List

Usually, most people who view your website never return. This means that if you don’t have their email address, you will not be able to communicate with them in the future. Building an email list is the most cost-effective way to do this. One of the most reliable ways to communicate with your website visitors is email marketing. You can use Constant Contact to get started with email marketing services.